
Students Leading @ CSS


​United Nations Association of Australia (UNAA) Global Citizenship Schools Program

The aim of the UNAA Qld Global Citizenship Schools Program is to engage and inspire primary and secondary students across Queensland to become active Global Citizens. The United Nations Association of Australia is a national non-profit organisation dedicated to informing the community about the work of the United Nations and seeking to advance the UN Global Goals for Sustainable Development in Australia and around the world.

Global Citizenship Schools Program Objectives

1.Engage and inspire students to become active Global Citizens

2.Empower students to be effective leaders

3.Support students to plan two UN Global Goals school initiatives

4.Target Principle 14a of the Earth Charter: Provide all, especially children and youth, with educational opportunities that empower them to contribute actively to sustainable development.

5.Build connections between schools and Local Members

Led by our student council, CSS is committed to recognising and commemorating the work of the UN, its Earth Charter and Global Goals. Student leaders have attended two UNAA Global Citizenship summits held at Parliament since 2016, at which significant whole school and community events have been planned:

Since 2016 we have:

  • Commemorated the UN World Refugee Day by hosting a “Day for Change” in support of the Syrian Refugee Crisis, raising in excess of $1000.00.
  • Held a school wide “white day” to reflect upon and celebrate the International Day of Peace, which received recognition from Kate Jones MP, then Minister for Education.
  • Welcomed Indonesian Government delegates from the Indonesian Department of Education, hosted by Griffith University and the Griffith Asia Institute (GAI): 

"On behalf of Griffith University and the Griffith Asia Institute (GAI) I would like to say a sincere thank you for your school's kind hospitality in hosting our Indonesian guests last Wednesday.

The group were absolutely delighted in visiting your school and learnt so much from the visit. As you both already know, this was their first visit to an Australian school and hence it was extremely insightful for them.

Thank you again for your kindness and generosity.

Dr Kathleen Turner
Manager Strategy
Griffith Asia Institute
Griffith University"

  • Commemorated World Environment Day in June and the International Day of Tolerance in November
  • Led National Days of Action against Bullying and Violence
  • Continued to support World Vision Sponsor Children
  • Donated funds raised from cake sales, free dress days, movie afternoons to local, national and international organisations and agencies
  • Supported the fund raising efforts of one of our own students as they underwent medical treatments and rehabilitation overseas.
  • Supported, by what ever means we can, those communities devaststed by natural disaster. This has included donating school supplies, instruments and books to schools in affected areas. 

What is citizenship?

Citizenship is a legal status granted by birth or naturalisation to citizens involving certain rights (for example, protection, passport, voting) and responsibilities (for example, obey the law, vote, defend country). It includes three components:

•civil (rights and responsibilities),

•political (participation and representation), and

•social (social virtues and community involvement).

What is a "global citizen"?

A Global Citizen is a person who understands their rights and responsibilities at a global level; that is, one’s identity transcends geography or political borders, and rights and responsibilities are derived from being human.

The UN and its agency UNESCO believe global citizenship education is as important to the future of our world as literacy and numeracy. Global citizens are:

•Informed and critically literate

•Socially connected & respectful of diversity

•Ethically responsible and engaged

What are the leadership values of global citizens?

•Recognise the interconnectedness of all life and of Earth’s systems

•Embrace difference and diversity

•Show empathy and are inclusive of others

•Speak and act in a peaceful manner

•Are critical and creative thinkers

•Promote values of fairness, social justice, democratic decision making

•Protect the environment

•Contribute to and participate in local, national and global communities

•Negotiate to build consensus & solutions

•Value the wisdom and ideas of others

•Empower others

Role of the UN

The UN was formed in 1945, at the end of the Second World War. It aimed to prevent the scourge of war, to provide a forum in which nations could negotiate differences rather than resort to violent conflict. For the first time in human history respect for our shared humanity was seen to be the foundation for lasting peace. This idea led to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 1948.

Australians played a leading role in negotiating the rules (the UN Charter). They led the smaller nations in resisting domination by the most powerful nations. In recognition of this role, Herbert Evatt, (Australia's Minister for Foreign Affairs at the time) was elected the first President of the UN General Assembly. Evatt argued successfully that lasting peace would be based on economic prosperity and respect for human rights in all nations.

 Year 6 Leadership - Global Goals Youth Forum (2020)

The Global Goals Primary Forum is a full-day design sprint bringing together around 72 students from across Queensland to explore the Global Goals and propose innovative solutions to achieve positive change using design thinking. Adopted by world leaders in 2015, the Global Goals for Sustainable Development (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals) aim to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change by 2030. 

Delivered by the Asia Education Foundation (Melbourne University) in conjunction with Education Queensland International, eighteen of our year 6 student leaders participated in the online forum today. 

Throughout the forum, students worked collaboratively in teams of 6 to design or re-design a sustainable community service that would help achieve these Global Goals by 2030. 

Based on their interests and passions, they designed their Big Idea through structured design thinking. 

At the end of the day, each team was invited to pitch their Big Idea to the forum in a 'market place' of innovations and solutions. 

Students also had the opportunity to hear from and interact with expert speakers, who shared their insights about inclusive and sustainable development and how their work contributes towards creating inclusive, thriving and environmentally friendly communities. ​

Last reviewed 14 November 2022
Last updated 14 November 2022