
Uniform Shop


The Uniform Shop Convenor is at the school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to manage the online orders. Uniform items are available Online ONLY. 

Contact Leisa Whybird via Email: 

How to Order: My Student Account (MSA)

Our Uniform Shop sells new and a small amount of second-hand uniforms.  Orders can be placed online using the online ordering system called My Student Account.

All uniform shop orders are delivered to the student's classroom.  Back to school uniform requirements are managed via an online appointment system.  Families book a time to collect their order and to check sizing.  During the school year exchanges are organised by making contact with the Uniform Shop team via email ( 

School Uniform Policies

Coorparoo State School’s uniform policy is endorsed by the school’s P&C. It requires that all students wear approved school uniform every day. A note from a parent is required when a student is not in correct or complete school uniform explaining why, and when this will be rectified. Coorparoo State School remains committed to providing a safe and inclusive environment for all students each day. We will consider individual circumstances and work with families to find a suitable alternative uniform item. Requests should be directed to the school leadership team via the school office. Students attending school dressed with incomplete or incorrect uniforms may receive a notification letter to take home to be signed by a parent and returned to school. 

Please view the "School Uniform Policy" document within this page. 

Winter Uniforms

Available to Order via your 'My Student Account (MSA).

Please note that you will need to pre-order and pay for these, as the Uniform Shop does not carry stock of our winter uniforms. Students will require either the track top or the jacket. Families are asked to order one track top or jacket /student only to ensure we have enough stock. If you order more than one you will receive a refund back onto your MSA account. If additional track tops and jackets are available these will be added to My Student Account and families will be able to order in Term 2. 

2021 was the last year where we offered a limited supply of the Coorparoo State School track pants. CSS track pants are only left in some sizes and orders will be filled with the stock from last year and once sold no further will be available. Students are able to wear black tights/leggings or plain black track pants if needed and these can be sourced anywhere. 

We will receive these orders from our supplier orders will be delivered to your student's classroom to bring home. We also have a supply of second-hand winter uniforms available for $5.00 per item which will be available at the end of Term 1 and in Term 2. 

If you have any questions, please email Leisa via (    

Second Hand Uniforms

If your child has outgrown their uniforms, please consider donating to the Uniform Shop, as we love to keep a good supply of second hand uniforms available. Donations can be delivered to the school administration office during school hours. 

Interested in helping out? 

Volunteers are always needed to help in the uniform shop.  

Please email Leisa: or feel welcome to pop in and help when works for you.    

Last reviewed 25 October 2024
Last updated 25 October 2024