
Maps and Transport


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Halstead street 2 minute zone is a 15 minute parking during drop off and pick up times. This allows parents to park and leave their cars for this short time.

Clearway removed and changed to 2 hour parking along Cavendish road near Old Cleveland Rd.

Afternoon bus zone removed from Old Cleveland Road allowing 2 hours parking during the school day along the school frontage.

School Parking

Traffic signs and lines around schools are in place to ensure pedestrian safety and safe traffic flow. See the map on Page 6 of the Newsletter. If you would like to report a maintenance issue regarding traffic signs and lines at your school, please contact Brisbane City Council.


With Queensland students returning to school in January, it’s time to brush up on the rules regarding school zones. For more information about Queensland’s road rules please contact the Department of Transport and Main Roads at or by calling 13 2380.
  1. Most school zone signs in south-east Queensland require road users to travel at no more than 40km/h from 7-9am and 2-4pm on school days.
  2. Some school zone speed limits apply all day. These are commonly 7am-4pm. Most of the time these will be at split-campus schools.
  3. Some local government areas outside southeast Queensland have different standardised school zone times – 7:30-9:30am and 2-4pm are some of the more common times. See for the full list of times.
  4. There are more than 600 school zones with enhanced school zone signs in Queensland. These signs feature flashing lights that operate while the school zone speed limit is active.
  5. A driver approaching a children’s crossing marked by flags or signs and lights must drive at a speed so they can stop safely before the crossing if needed. They must stop if a hand-held stop sign is displayed at the crossing or a pedestrian or rider of a bicycle is on or entering the crossing.
  6. If a driver stops at a children’s crossing, they must not proceed until there are no pedestrians or bicycle riders on or entering the crossing. If they were stopped by a person holding a hand-held stop sign, they must not proceed until the person no longer displays the sign or indicates the driver can proceed. 

The various signs around schools include

No Parking

The driver of a vehicle must not stop on a length of road or in an area to which a no parking sign applies, unless the driver:

  • is dropping off or picking up of passengers or goods; and
  • does not leave the vehicle unattendeds
  • completes the dropping off or picking up of the passengers or goods and drives on as soon as possible and, within the required time after stopping

No Stopping

A driver must not stop on a length of road or in an area to which a no stopping sign applies.

School Zone

40 kph speed limit applies in school hours during school days.

Loading Zone, two minutes maximum

Passenger Loading Zones allow you to set down and pick up your child and usually allow you to stop for two minutes. This should be enough time to help your child with luggage and seatbelts. You are not allowed to leave your car and go into the school.

How to use two minute zones


  • use the zone like a quick moving taxi rank
  • move forward as space becomes available
  • ensure children watch for their ride and move promptly to the vehicle
  • load and unload passengers only at the head of the line
  • stay in the car unless loading baggage or passengers
Do not:
  • park for more than two minutes - you can be fined
  • leave the vehicle, except to help load or unload. This is an offence during the hours of operation
  • reverse into the zone - you will put other children in danger; join the queue
  • call children to the bottom of the queue or across the road.
Visit the Brisbane City Council website for more information about Commonly seen signs around schools.
Last reviewed 25 February 2025
Last updated 25 February 2025