Coorparoo State School is committed to providing a safe, respectful and disciplined learning environment for students and staff, where students have opportunities to engage in quality learning experiences and acquire values supportive of their lifelong wellbeing.
Our The
Positive Behaviour For Learning (PBL) framework is designed with key goals and actions committed to sustaining a positive learning environment where all students are able to learn to reach their full potential all day, every day at Coorparoo State School.
The following information provides an overview of the recommended practices for classroom management used in Queensland state schools. The visual below depicts the components of effective classroom management demonstrated by research to reduce rates of problem behaviour and increase student engagement with learning.
What is classroom management?
Classroom management consists of all the things that teachers do to create a safe and supportive learning environment where all students can learn to their potential. Research has consistently demonstrated the relationship between effective classroom management, academic achievement, and teacher and student wellbeing. Students learn best in orderly environments with clear expectations in place, and where all students feel valued.
Positive relationships underpin effective classroom management
Building positive relationships helps to create a positive classroom environment that supports student learning and engagement. Teachers model open and respectful communication and interaction, so that all students feel welcome and safe in the classroom. The teacher–student relationship is critical and balances care for the individual with the teacher's role as a leader in the classroom. Students respect and trust teachers who set clear expectations for behaviour, believe that all students can achieve, and who demonstrate fairness and consistency.
What is classroom organisation?
A well set up classroom takes into consideration teacher and student movement patterns, access to materials and the ability for students to see presentations and important information. It also ensures that students can see the teacher and that the teacher can see all of the students. Classrooms that are well designed are engaging and are set up to minimise distractions.
Classroom organisation is enhanced when procedures for accomplishing classroom tasks are put in place. Procedures form routines that help students meet the school and classroom expectations. Students who learn to follow routines will become more independent and socially competent, and have a greater sense of security. The ultimate aim of teaching routines is for students to become self-managing, with less and less need for adult prompting and assistance over time.
What is differentiated teaching and learning?
Every classroom contains students with a wide range of abilities, interests and backgrounds. Schools provide differentiated teaching to respond to the diverse learning needs of all students as a regular part of providing the curriculum. Differentiation provides a structured approach to teaching and learning that enables teachers to respond to and cater for the diverse needs of their students. It involves developing and implementing strategies that provide students with many ways to participate and access the curriculum and to demonstrate their learning.
Teachers are able to differentiate teaching and learning through:
•Content – the curriculum (what students will learn)
•Process – the way the content is presented (how students will learn)
•Product – the ways students are able to demonstrate their knowledge (what students produce)
•Learning environment – the way the classroom environment supports differentiation of the content, process and product
Why are behavioural expectations needed?
Having clear expectations for behaviour in every classroom helps to:
•create a positive classroom environment
•provide all students with a sense of security
•reduce student anxiety
•maximise learning time
•enable student self-monitoring
•support positive behaviour
•ensure consistency.
Teachers establish rules for the classroom based on the schoolwide expectations. The rules are taught and regularly referred to. Signs and posters are often used to prompt students to use the rules. We can all support positive student behaviour by talking to children about the rules and the reasons why they are important at home and school.
Why teach social skills?
Schools recognise the need to teach students the social skills they need for success, in exactly the same way that academics are taught. Examples of social skills that students need for school success include:
•using manners
•listening to others
•coming prepared to learn
•asking for help
•following instructions
•accepting feedback
•staying on task
•contributing to discussions
•waiting for a turn.
Teachers also help students to develop emotional competencies such as regulating emotions and developing positive peer relationships. Once skills are taught, teachers provide opportunities for students to practise and give positive acknowledgement when students use the skills.
What is positive reinforcement?
Positive reinforcement is about acknowledging students when they display positive behaviour. Everyone needs positive feedback in order to learn and keep using behaviours or skills. Behaviour is reinforced when we are provided with something we value following a desired behaviour. Positive reinforcement includes verbal praise, non-verbal acknowledgement, earning of tokens, provision of tangible rewards, or opportunities to perform a task or participate in an activity. One of the quickest and easiest ways used by teachers to improve classroom behaviour is by pointing out when students do the right thing.
How do teachers encourage active engagement?
Actively engaging students results in decreased disruptive behaviour and increased on-task behaviour. Teachers encourage student engagement by getting to know students and providing differentiated instruction at the correct level. While teachers always try to make work interesting, it is also important for students to learn that at times we all need to do work that we don't particularly like. Teachers encourage students to engage in non-preferred tasks by explaining why certain tasks are important, including choices, being empathetic, and reminding students that there are other times during the school day for students to work on more preferred tasks.
What is active supervision?
Active supervision comprises three components: moving, scanning, and interacting. Teachers who move around the classroom, pay attention to what is going on in the room, and interact frequently and positively with students have been shown to have fewer disruptions to learning in their classrooms. Active supervision allows teachers to provide feedback to students on how well they are following the classroom expectations, as well as allowing for the provision of immediate learning assistance.
Why are consistent and fair consequences needed?
It is important that teachers respond consistently to problem behaviours using fair, logical, and predictable consequences. The purpose of a consequence is to correct and teach; therefore teachers aim to reteach the expected behaviour when a consequence is necessary. Consequences are selected to fit the individual student, the specific behaviour, the context or setting, and the frequency and the severity of the behaviour.
Further information
Classroom management in every school aligns with the whole-school framework for behaviour support. Ours remains a multi tiered system of support (MTSS) that moves from a universal level (all students) through to more explicit and targetted support and interventions. We have developed a Student Code of Conduct in consultation with our local community, and this explains in detail how we will continue to support positive student behaviour. The 2025-2028 Student Code of Conduct will be uploaded once it has been endorsed by our School Council.
The majority of classroom-related problem behaviours will be successfully prevented and addressed when schools work in partnership with families and the community to support student learning, wellbeing and behaviour.
When ongoing concerns about student behaviour have been identified, schools work with parents and caregivers to look at underlying reasons for the student's behaviour, and develop strategies to support the student. This may involve specialist staff, such as the guidance officer or year level coordinator.
We are Safe, we are Organised, we are Active learners and we are Responsible.
SOAR resides as a core element of the Coorparoo State School Student Code of Conduct. The plan is designed to facilitate high standards of behaviour so that the learning and teaching in our school can be effective and students can participate positively within our school community. SOAR is also the platform for which student goal setting, student voice, ongoing learning and collaboration for all and high expectations and authentic relationships are built upon.
Data shows that by remaining consistent with high expectations and ways of responding to these expectations; by emphasising the use of preventative teaching and reinforcement-based strategies to achieve meaningful and durable behaviour outcomes; and by using consistent language and predictable consequences (applied by all staff, at all times, and across all locations in the school), SOAR has reduced problematic behaviours and increased academic performance.
CSS has developed a matrix of expected positive behaviours across all year levels in a variety of school and off campus settings.
The ongoing relevance and effectiveness of SOAR and related processes is something that is reflected upon regularly and is core to the success of all that we do in providing a safe, supportive and inclusive learning environment.