
Health and Physical Education (HPE)


Students use their interests in health and physical activity to explore how the dimensions of health are interrelated and are influenced by the interaction of personal, social, cultural and environmental factors. They understand how to promote health and wellbeing, active engagement in physical activity and enhance personal development. They recognise people who work in occupations related to health, physical activity and personal development. 

Students use the essential processes of Ways of working to develop and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding. They individually and collaboratively make decisions, take action and apply skills to promote health and wellbeing, movement capacities and personal development of individuals, groups and communities. They reflect on their learning and ways to capitalise on the benefits of positive influences on their health and wellbeing. 

Students select and use tools and technologies, including information and communication technologies (ICTs), in purposeful ways. They make use of the potential that ICTs provide to inquire, create and communicate within health and physical education contexts. 

Specialist Physical Education teachers are employed at our school.

Students from Prep to Year 6 take part in regular weekly lessons. The Health and Physical Education (HPE) program contains developmental units covering:

•  Games skills and ball skills and activities

•  Modified sports and games

•  Athletic skills

•  Physical fitness games and activities

•  Aquatic skills and water polo (flipper ball)

•  Swimming Stroke development

•  Water survival and rescue techniques 

Queensland's Respect Program

Coorparoo State School is committed to delivering the Respect program in every classroom across the school. Previously called the Respectful Relationships Education Program, the Respect program was developed as part of the Queensland Government's commitment to address domestic and family violence.

The program aims to empower young people to develop the skills they need to form respectful and ethical relationships, free of violence and gender inequality.

The Respect program provides a suite of resources for each banded year level (Prep, Years 1-2, Years 3-4, Years 5-6, Years 7-8, Years 9-10 and Years 11-12). These specialised resources for schools and teachers include:

  • program guidelines
  • teaching overviews
  • learning sequences
  • teaching resources and activities for each banded year level.

At CSS, The Respect program is being delivered as a component of the Australian Curriculum: Health and Physical Education and also encompasses our ongoing work around Building Coorparoo Character and our Positive Behaviours for Learning which includes SOAR. All of these components align to the P–12 curriculum, assessment and reporting framework:

Yea​​r Level / Term

Term 1




Emotional awareness and personal strengthsEmotional responses and empathyChanging responsibilities as we growGender stereotypes influence choices and behavioursChallenging gender stereotypes respectfullyInfluences on personal identityRespectful Interactions: Conflict Management

Term 2





Interacting positively and including othersFriendship, inclusion and belongingGender respectPositive coping strategies, body privacy and safety (online and offline)Help seeking in unsafe situations (recognise, response and report)Recognise, respond and report safety in offline contextsValuing Diversity


Term 3





Body privacy


Seeking help from trusted persons

Speaking up about body safety


Body safety - help-seeking and reportingUnderstanding human rights: Self and others






Healthy Habits & Cyber Safety

Respectful InteractionsSafety in online contexts


Term 4





Safety symbols in water and road environmentsHealth messages about poisons and medicineHealth messages for foodInfluences on identity and coping with changeAnalysing Health InformationTransitions to High School

All lessons and resources are planned so they are practical and easy to use, and encourage use of social and emotional learning pedagogy including group work, discussion, role plays, scenario work and empathy-based inquiry.

Each lesson sequence will provide opportunities for teachers to guide discussions, address concerns, and help students work through sensitive and complex issues.

During each RESPECT learning opportunity, students are given opportunities for social and emotional learning in self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, relationships, ethics, values, social norms, stereotypes, human rights, risk and responsible decision-making. The focus remains on supporting students to develop the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to make healthy, safe and active choices that will enhance their own and others' health and wellbeing.

Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to speak with your child's class teacher.


Coorparoo State School has three houses - Melba (blue), Wentworth (green) and Turner (red). Students wear their respective colours and compete for house honours and individual honours during the four main intra-house championships throughout the year:

•  Cross Country

•  Athletics

•  Aquathlon

•  Swimming ​

Last reviewed 08 May 2024
Last updated 08 May 2024