P&C Frequently Asked Questions
Q: It costs money to join the P&C?
A: At Coorparoo State School there is no money charged to join the P&C.
Q: I have to be a member to come to a P&C meeting?
A: Anyone can attend a meeting and is welcome to come along for part or all of the meeting. Becoming a member enables you to vote and have your say with decisions such as how to spend fundraising money. Meetings aim to finish by 7pm.
Q: If I come to a P&C meeting I'll be locked into volunteering?
A: No one is pressured to do anything at meetings - feel free to just sit and listen. You are always welcome to assist but will never be forced into anything you don’t want to do.
Q: I have to attend meetings all the time?
A: P&C meetings are held twice each term. You don't need to attend every meeting, but it is a great way to hear what is going on at the school and to build relationships with the whole school community. Sub-Committee's will meet when needed, throughout the year. For those interested in helping as part of a team for a CSS community event, a planning meeting will be organised.
Q: Our P&C doesn't need new parents and carers?
A: The P&C is a small group that is needing to grow in numbers to achieve our goals for 2025. To use the words of Helen Keller. Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much!
Return all forms to PandC@coorparooss.eq.edu.au or in person at the AGM.